Richard Serrao has been doing a pile of Movie Review illustrations
We’ve been keeping busy on the artistic front here at Optimum Wound. Richard has ground out new pages for Memento Mori and a bunch of new illustrations that he’s been doing to accompany movie reviews that he’s been posting on his blog. It’s a novel concept and one that’s been garnering a lot of positive feedback from his fans. There’s already a million movie review blogs out there that feature the same trailers, movie stills and poster art in their articles. Rich thought he’d mix it up by adding pen and ink illustrations to the mix.
He’s been employing a more realistic chunkier style to his ink drawings with an even heavier use of black (if that’s possible) than can be found in his two comic series Memento Mori and Silent Scream. It’s a style that he intends to bring over to his comic art.
Ray Stevenson as Punisher in War Zone, ink on paper.
Illustration from Punisher War Zone review, ink on paper.
Illustration of Vinnie Jones from Midnight Meat Train, ink on paper
Close up of Vinnie Jones, ink on paper.
Subway Rampage! Illustration from Midnight Meat Train review, ink & pencil on paper.
Bruce Lee, ink on paper.
Heath Ledger as the Joker, from the Dark Knight, ink on paper.
Jay’s been grinding out pen and ink sketches
It has been a long while, too long since I’ve updated my webcomic, Battles Without Living Witnesses. Taking over publishing and marketing duties for Optimum Wound took a heavy toll on my artistic output. I needed to get back into the fray so I started grinding out single image illustrations and sketches. I did them in a slightly looser approach than previously used. Still very realistic but not as tight as my older comic work. It was very liberating attacking the pages without concern for every square millimeter being perfect.
I grabbed a pile of 11” x 17” pages and went to town on them with a Hunts 102 nib to lay down the lines and followed up with an old paint brush that refuses to die. I’m going to experiment with some comic pages using this style. I recreated several drawings that I had given away for contests as well as some new ones that are protptypes for future stories. Hope you like ‘em.
11″ x 11″, ink on paper.
11″ x 17″, ink on paper.
An acrylic painting by Fiona Ho
Fiona, our third member of Optimum Wound and graphic design wunderkind got busy laying down some paint on canvas. This is a rendering of Quan Yin also known as Guanshi’yin the Chinese goddess of mercy. This is one of the larger paintings that Fiona has done. It’s going to be part of a series. Fiona is equally capable rocking a paintbrush, wacom tablet, pen and ink or pencil.
24″ x 36″, acrylic on
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